onsdag den 12. oktober 2011

Copenhagen Lanes !

I was a little proud when I heard that Americans were beginning to make bike path in New York. And they call them " Copenhagen Lanes". But it paled somewhat when I heard the driver´s opinion. They thought that the cyclists were traffic terrorists - That the road belonged to motorists and that they would get a quick death if they started cycling. Either they died of pollution, or were run down by a car. Motorists actually believed that it should be forbidden to ride in New York. And That biking had to be carried out in the countryside or in their parks. And they also believed that cycling was a sport like kayaking. And there was no one who sailed into New York streets.

I do not think that the name " Copenhagen" is associated with something good at the moment. And has the New York cyclists inherited the Copenhagen cyclists bad habbits, it will probably never be popular among the ordinary New Yorker.

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