tirsdag den 31. marts 2015

Tsunami emergency plan will kill you !

We live in the area affected by the Tsunami in 2004 - they have cleared up beautifully everywhere and it is not to see that this has looked like a war zone just 10 years ago.

However the area is filled with warning signs about Tsunami - (See picture) - Which tell that one must search for higher ground ...... As in our case is over 3 km away. The signs says nothing about how to be warned and how long you have to get away after the alarm has sounded.

I have a clear sense of their emergency NEVER tested.

1. As long as they do not provide information on how to be warned (bell alarm or similar - And if the warning is in local or english languages) Is this enough to create problems.

2. Our hotel is located along with several other hotels in a region with only one small road away from the beach. There is around  10,000 people in the area. There will be chaos and the small road will be a big traffic jam if cars - people - wild animals ( Snakes, monkeys and Elephants)  start running the same way (Road - see picture)

3. If the tsunami comes, there will be 100,000 people to seek higher ground. Is there really room for so many people in the mountains. Is there protection against sun to all - Is there clean drinking water to all and are there facilities in the mountain to cope with 100,000 people.

I just think that one should hope for the best and forget about Tsunami emergency preparedness. It will not help much because all the problems just moved away from the beach and into the country.

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