søndag den 28. august 2011

Frog rescue !

I have told before on my blog about the many frogs that I have in my graden. ( Hundred of small 2 centimeter frogs ) They are realy cute and they eat all the bugs and worms that I have in my garden. I must of cause be very carefull when I mow the lawn. That they do not come around with the machine.

Today I come across one of the large frogs. It sad on my porch. Emmediately he saw me, he hopped down between the floorboards... But he was to fat !.... So he was stuck. With his ass in the air - while making funny sounds. I had to help him free - He sat tight. Emmediately he got free, he jump in my garden pond. I hope he has learned not to underestimate its size.

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