torsdag den 10. december 2015

Take the blue color entrance !

From my posts on LinkedIn
If you are a people manager, you should occasionally try to take the blue color entrance, to see how they perceive the workplace. If your company is using buses to transport employees, jump in and see if the bus is clean. See if the seat belts work properly and whether the bus is on schedule. Do your employees arrive by car, parks between their cars and see if the place looks properly. See if there is enough light for the night shift and how far you have walk to reach the factory. Do you need to wait in line to clock in.
Continue to the locker room. Do you find the room clean or are there bad-smelling towels, dirty work clothes and half a centimeter of dust on top of the cabinets. What about showers and toilets. Does it smell nice of cleanliness and are the tiles on the wall neat - or does it smell fishy and filled with empty shampoo bottles. Continue into the canteen. Open the refrigerator, where you have to put your lunch box. Are tables and chairs in good condition. Do you want to sit and eat in that environment.
If you just have one reservation with respect to whether you would be happy with what you see, then you should do something about the problem if you expect your employee to make a great product - In high quality - with a good safety level.
You can actually say that if you cannot use words like fantastic - high - good level about the things you saw when you took the blue color entrance, then you cannot expect that your employee has the right attitude to your production.
Treat people like you want to be treated - This also applies when talking attitudes to the way we think.

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