onsdag den 9. september 2015

Safety news !

In evaluating this checklist, it becomes clear that communication is fundamental to successful program implementation. Many organizations, including the firm I work for, have in-house communication professionals who use available communications channels, such as an intranet, emails and webinars, to disseminate significant safety information to the work force.
Developing and distributing a monthly safety newsletter can provides a dedicated means of communicating vital safety-related information, including but not limited to: announcing new safety practices and guidelines and reviewing existing guidelines, accident statistics and trends; encouraging employees to submit safety concerns and questions; raising safety awareness; announcing safety alerts; reviewing the organization's safety resources; announcing assessment results; publicizing special emphasis awareness campaigns; reviewing safety equipment specifications; sharing regulatory or compliance updates; announcing company safety awards; and more.
The Newsletter's Value
Since the development of a monthly safety newsletter within my organization, we have received several unsolicited phone calls and emails from the work force expressing positive feedback and interest in this outreach by the safety office. The responses have been a good indicator of the newsletter's organizational value. The newsletter also has driven an increase in safety activities among the work force concerning in-house safety training, local safety meetings, reviewing the company's safety fact sheets and the safety manual. In addition, using employees' newsletter feedback, new safety resources – including innovative safety practices and safety equipment – have been developed and secured.
It is rewarding to see emails from employees noting safety concerns they have and want to share with others. Submissions and other forms of newsletter participation are encouraged by publicly recognizing employees in the newsletter. Each participant is sent a safety memento for his or her contribution, such as a foam traffic cone with the company's name and logo.
Other elements that have made our safety newsletter successful include:
  ➠ A pleasing, professional newsletter design template.
  ➠ Short, easy-to-read articles that in- corporate bullet points.
  ➠ Simple access via an an electronic server and the ability to easily print  and and download.
  ➠ Current, relevant articles.
So just go for it - you will only benefit .

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