fredag den 27. marts 2009

Verdensberømt i eget firma ! Næsten da !

Informationsafdelingen laver forskellige fokuspunkter, som de sender ud på intern avis. Denne gang havde de valgt en artikel om mit job og personen bag. Det er altid lidt skræmmende at blive en omtalt person. Men kan det gavne den måde jeg skal få tingene til at fungerer på. Er det det o.k.
The long haul…

By Mette Lindquist

His track record includes everything from 10 km races, Cross Duathlon marathons, triathlons and Ironman competitions in Sweden, Germany, France and Italy, 78 km running in the Alps – and even a race through the Egypt desert during a holiday! Some people might think there were less stressful ways to spend a holiday, but to Nils Mogensen, HSE Manager at Vingen in Denmark, hard physical training is a way of life.“I have been running since 1978, when I started in the military. I love a good challenge! - especially the kind that you can influence 100%!” Nils says. “I use the tools and winning mentality from my sports very much in my work. When you prepare for big physical challenges like an Ironman, you need to be consistent in your training methods so you are able to keep track of what went good and what went bad. The same applies for working with HSE. Preventing accidents and continuously improving safety and the work environment in our factory takes persistence and systematic hard work.”Adrenalin junkie and control freakWhen asked which race has made the greatest impact on him, Nils says: “The best experience was probably the Ironman world championship in Nice, France in 2001 where I was on the Danish national team and came in as number 61 out of 1075 participants. I also had some great experiences winning a few Danish championships in triathlon. Otherwise I would have to say that last summer’s 78 km running in the Alps really made a lasting impression!

Some people call me adrenalin junkie and control freak, but I simply believe it’s important to work with your red and green zone at all times. Every time you go into the red zone but returns safely, you have become wiser and stronger and your green zone has been expanded. You have to think positively. Plan positively; start with what you know you can do.” Stay positive!He continues: “A positive attitude helps you utilize your energy in a better way and be more in control of what you do. I am confident that many twists and lifting damages as well as back problems could be avoided if people used their body correctly and their bodies had the required strength. “Keeping fit prevents us from being worn out and basically make us perform better. The result will be lower absence rates due to illness and a more positive state of mind! This you can’t get for money and it moves people so much more than a computer course or learning about meeting culture ever would!” Niels concludes.Caption:With a background as a specially trained combat soldier, elite sportsman and long experience with HSE work, Nils knows what is takes to deliver results: planning, persistence and a positive attitude!

Quote: “I have this theory that society today spends huge amounts of resources on educating peoples’ brains while many would benefit more from upgrading their physics.” Nils Mogensen, HSE Manager, Vingen -Denmark.

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